Carries out repairs and routine maintenance of Company ITS, electronic telephone exchange, including installation and shifting of ITS circuits in the fields and terminal location.
Job Details
Job Details
Carries out repairs and routine maintenance of Company ITS telephone exchange, facsimile machines, HF-radios in the control roan and paging system in the field and terminal location.
Participates in the installation of new equipment and modifications to existing equipment.
participates in major overhauls carried out by Company and non-Company Specialists on the ITS telephone exchange.
Performs weekly routine checks on the trunks and ties 1ines between Company Field and Terminal telephone exchanges and HQ tandem.
Implements the installation and shifting of ITS telephone as directed by Supervisor.
Maintains an up-to-date record .of all ITS and ETISAlAT telephone circuits in the location
Maintains up-to-date records of AOCO radio licences.
Prepares monthly reports of work carried out.
Understands the company Health, Safety and Environment Policy, and how it relates to his job. Performs his work in a safe and efficient manner, and is familiar with relevant safe working procedures & practices. Performs specific Safety Management System Programe activities assigned to him by his supervisor.