Manage and oversee The Nuclear Power Plant Transient/Accident Analysis and Severe Accident Analysis (SAA) function to meet regulatory requirements for Operating License Application (OLA) and to ensure the safety of NPP against potential severe accident.
The role of Safety Analysis Manager is to manage and oversee Nuclear Power Plant Transient/Accident Analysis and Severe Accident Analysis (SAA) function to meet regulatory requirements for Operating License Application (OLA) and to ensure the safety of NPP against potential severe accident.
The successful candidate must possess engineering and technical backgrounds from nuclear power plant operating experience, in addition to strong communication skills and abundant initiative, motivation, adaptability, comfort with uncertainty, and cultural sensitivity.
Comply with Company Management System & Quality Assurance requirements and to ensure effective contribution, oversight and participation in Company excellence program.
1. Participate works with functional groups on Company excellence program.
2. Provide oversights to all technical and licensing documents that are related to Transient and Accident (Non-LOCA) Analysis, Severe Accident Analysis Report (SAAR) and Equipment Survivability (ES)
3. Resolve the Request Additional Information (RAI) issues related to Severe Accident Analyses.
Provide oversight and monitor all Transient Analysis, Containment Analysis, Severe Accident Analyis products in accordance with accepted design procedures, technical specifications, applicable codes and standards
1. Review calculations, reports and licensing documents that were part of Transient Analysis, SAAR and ES submittal.
2. Ensure engineering products meeting safety design guidelines and following calculation procedures.
Confirm specified design requirements are being met and complying with the licensing and regulatory requirements
1. Review the REM model to support LBLOCA submittal as part of FSAR Chapter 6.2.
2. Review the OLA submittal of FSAR chapters 15, "Transient and Accident Analysis"
3. Review the OLA submittal of FSAR chapter 19, "PRA, Severe Accident"
4. Identify sections of Safety Analysis, SAAR and ES that meet Regulatory specific guidelines for analytical and regulatory requirements.
Identify deficiencies and resolved in accordance with the applicable design requirements, and that all resulting records are maintained
1. Document review comments to FSAR Chapters 6.2, 15 and 19.
2. Provide comments to licensing group on Sections of FSAR commitments
3. Verified vendor's engineering procedures that are applicable to safety analysis calculations.
Ensure that technical documents are accurate, complete, and current, and have the appropriate approvals
1. Ensure validation and verification are complete for computer code CESEC-III, CEFLASH-4AS, TORC/CETOP, HERMITE, COAST, HRISE, RELAP, MAAP
2. Review vendors' products related to the quality of their analyses that are used to support the severe accident analysis.
Bachelor Degree in Engineering or related science or equivalent nuclear power plant work experience relevant to this position as defined in the experience requirements below
10 years nuclear power plant experience in thermal hydralic analysis or related roles.