Support the Director of Engineering in providing expert engineering services to Horizon with responsibility for all technological aspects
The purpose of the Head of Nuclear Engineering role is to support the Director of Engineering in providing expert engineering services to Horizon with responsibility for all
technological aspects of the UK ABWR regarding nuclear fuel, fuel cycle, reactor core, radiation safety and safeguards provisions. The Head of Nuclear Engineering will develop
and manage a team to allow Horizon to be the Design Authority in this area, act as an Intelligent Customer for services provided by others and to deliver support to a range of
projects across the organisation.
A key objective is to assist and enable the engineering team to be a highly credible and respected force within the organisation and externally with the main nuclear regulators.
This is a SQEP role.
As a core member of the Engineering Team develop and deliver the business plan related targets.
Deliver authoritative advice across the range of fuel cycle activities, including fuel design, core design, safety substantiation, radiation safety, procurement, performance, storage and handling.
Support the development and maintenance of the nuclear engineering Design Authority within Horizon and develop the capability to act as an Intelligent Customer
for services provided by others.
Recruit, develop and manage a team of staff and, where appropriate, contractors with the range of skills and experience needed to discharge the nuclear engineering
Manage relationships with regulators on nuclear engineering matters to support development of the plant and site specific safety case.
Support the technology provider during the Generic Design Assessment of the UK
Ensure that the proposed design of UK ABWR is capable of incorporating the systems necessary to meet nuclear safeguards requirements.
Develop, with the Commercial Directorate, the strategy for fuel procurement throughout the project lifecycle.
Manage and motivate staff by regular personal contact, active development and regular performance management.