We are looking for motivated and talented people who are looking to work from home or our office. We have all the tools you require to be a successful recruiter
Freelance Recruitment Consultant – 50/50 Commission
Allstream Global is looking for motivated and talented people who are looking to work from home or our office. We Provide all the tools you require to be a successful recruiter
To be successful in this role, you must be most and foremost an entrepreneur at heart and have experience in a 360 degree role for a Recruitment Company.
This role is for those who can manage themselves and do not need constant direction.
Another aspect of working at Allstream Global is that although you could earn much more than most jobs out there, this role is commission only
Your monthly income is up to you!
· You will have full access to our CRM
· You will work for yourself and manage work around your own life, not the other way around!
Think this opportunity is for YOU?
Send us your application and we'll be looking forward to speaking with you!